Friday, July 3, 2009

I-9 and record audits

The NY Times reported that Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has sent notices to over 600 companies of hiring record audits this year. Ironically, the California company the article focuses on, American Apparel, makes t-shirts displaying messages such as "Legalize LA". The irony - how it burns.

As American Apparel is finding out, intentional hiring of illegal workers may result in serious fines. To keep yourself out of hot water, I recommend that employers:

1- Check my website: for information on new hire forms and how to handle SSA "No Match" letters.

2- Comply with minimum wage laws. (Note the federal minimum wage will increase later this month- click here for details.) Exploiting illegal workers raises more eyebrows (and attention from the federal government) than merely hiring illegal workers.

3- Don't advertise your non-compliance on your company shirts or products.

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